However, a failure to prepare for the growing pile of bad loans that are expected to appear on banks books means economic recovery in Europe is likely to be slower than it otherwise might have been. 然而,如果疏于防范预计会出现在银行账本上不断堆积的坏账,就意味着欧洲经济恢复的速度较之充分防范所应有的速度来得慢。
As for his failure to appear in person, we can easily explain it. 至于他之所以未能亲自到场,我们不难加以解释。
If any of his friends remarked on his sudden failure to appear I explained that he had gone to visit his father. 如果他的朋友中有人说起他怎么突然没有来,我就解释道他去看他父亲了。
The failure to implement an effective investigation and a functioning witness protection mechanism appear to be major obstacles in bringing justice to cases of extra-judicial killings. 未能建立有成效的调查和有效的证人保护机制看来是正义审结非经司法途径的杀害案件之主要障碍。
He was taxed with failure to appear on the day appointed. 他被指责没有在约定的日期出现。
He was left in an ambiguous position by his friend's failure to appear and help him. 由于他朋友未能出面而帮助他,他现在处于一个含糊笼统的地位。
Through analysis on the failure specimen of automobile brake drum the reasons to failure are as follows: ( 1) The hardness and strength of brake drum is not high enough so that grinding trace and crack of axis direction appear. 通过对失效的江淮某汽车制动鼓取样分析,其失效原因:①材料强度、硬度过低,制动鼓出现磨痕台阶和轴向裂纹;
There is a failure in using a traditional sequential indicator simulation method to establish reservoir framework models, I, e, some micro-facies may appear in places against geological rules. 利用传统的顺序指示模拟方法建立储集层沉积微相模型存在不足,即可能在某些位置出现不符合地质规律的微相类型。
However, the weakness of agricultural leads "market failure" to appear, commercial finance supply to be deficient and lots of capital to keep away from the agricultural. 但是农业的弱质性却导致市场失灵,商业性金融供给不足,大量资本外流或远离农业。